Platform Explorer HTTP API allow you to query and see platform blockchain data programmatically with a REST interface via HTTP calls. You can use it to build, test, or improve your applications.
API is still under ongoing development, so refer to this page or repo documentation for the most up-to-date latest specification.
Production (testnet) live URL is
Returns basic stats and epoch info
HTTP /status
epoch: {
number: 1145,
firstBlockHeight: 5380,
firstCoreBlockHeight: 1096730,
startTime: 1725475350064,
feeMultiplier: 1,
endTime: 1725478950064
identitiesCount: 12,
totalCredits: 100000,
transactionsCount: 3,
transfersCount: 0,
dataContractsCount: 1,
documentsCount: 1,
network: "dash-testnet-40",
api: {
version: "1.0.0",
block: {
height: 20153,
timestamp: "2024-06-06T21:50:20.949Z"
platform: {
version: "1.0.0-dev.12"
tenderdash: {
version: "0.14.0-dev.6",
block: {
height: 20154,
timestamp: "2024-06-06T21:53:27.947Z"
Returns info about epoch by specific index
HTTP /epoch/0
epoch: {
number: 0,
firstBlockHeight: 1,
firstCoreBlockHeight: 1090319,
startTime: 1721353209000,
feeMultiplier: 1,
endTime: 1721356809000
tps: 0.01666666666,
totalCollectedFees: 30,
bestValidator: "F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0"
Get a block by hash
header: {
height: 1337,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
blockVersion: 13,
appVersion: 1,
l1LockedHeight: 1337
Return all blocks proposed by the specific validators
cannot be more then 100GET /validator/B8F90A4F07D9E59C061D41CC8E775093141492A5FD59AB3BBC4241238BB28A18/blocks
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
header: {
height: 1337,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
blockVersion: 13,
appVersion: 1,
validator: "B8F90A4F07D9E59C061D41CC8E775093141492A5FD59AB3BBC4241238BB28A18",
l1LockedHeight: 1337
}, ...
Return all blocks with pagination info
cannot be more then 100GET /blocks
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
header: {
height: 1337,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
blockVersion: 13,
appVersion: 1,
l1LockedHeight: 1337
}, ...
Return all validators with pagination info.
field is nullable?isActive=true
boolean can be supplied in the query params to filter by isActive fieldlimit
cannot be more then 100GET /validators
resultSet: [
proTxHash: "F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0",
isActive: true,
proposedBlocksAmount: 5,
lastProposedBlockHeader: {
height: 5,
timestamp: "2024-06-23T13:51:44.154Z",
hash: "7253F441FF6AEAC847F9E03672B9386E35FC8CBCFC4A7CC67557FCA10E342904",
l1LockedHeight: 1337,
appVersion: 1,
blockVersion: 13
validator: "F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0"
proTxInfo: {
type: "Evo",
collateralHash: "6ce8545e25d4f03aba1527062d9583ae01827c65b234bd979aca5954c6ae3a59",
collateralIndex: 19,
collateralAddress: "yYK3Kiq36Xmf1ButkTUYb1iCNtJfSSM4KH",
operatorReward: 0,
confirmations: 214424,
state: {
version: 2,
service: "",
registeredHeight: 850334,
lastPaidHeight: 1064721,
consecutivePayments: 0,
PoSePenalty: 0,
PoSeRevivedHeight: 1027671,
PoSeBanHeight: -1,
revocationReason: 0,
ownerAddress: "yWrbg8HNwkogZfqKe1VW8czS9KiqdjvJtE",
votingAddress: "yWrbg8HNwkogZfqKe1VW8czS9KiqdjvJtE",
platformNodeID: "b5f25f8f70cf8d05c2d2970bdf186c994431d84e",
platformP2PPort: 36656,
platformHTTPPort: 1443,
payoutAddress: "yeRZBWYfeNE4yVUHV4ZLs83Ppn9aMRH57A",
pubKeyOperator: "b928fa4e127214ccb2b5de1660b5e371d2f3c9845077bc3900fc6aabe82ddd2e61530be3765cea15752e30fc761ab730"
}, ...
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 30
Get validator by ProTxHash.
field is nullableGET /validator/F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0
proTxHash: "F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0",
isActive: true,
proposedBlocksAmount: 5,
lastProposedBlockHeader: {
height: 5,
timestamp: "2024-06-23T13:51:44.154Z",
hash: "7253F441FF6AEAC847F9E03672B9386E35FC8CBCFC4A7CC67557FCA10E342904",
l1LockedHeight: 1337,
appVersion: 1,
blockVersion: 13,
validator: "F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0"
proTxInfo: {
type: "Evo",
collateralHash: "6ce8545e25d4f03aba1527062d9583ae01827c65b234bd979aca5954c6ae3a59",
collateralIndex: 19,
collateralAddress: "yYK3Kiq36Xmf1ButkTUYb1iCNtJfSSM4KH",
operatorReward: 0,
confirmations: 214424,
state: {
version: 2,
service: "",
registeredHeight: 850334,
lastPaidHeight: 1064721,
consecutivePayments: 0,
PoSePenalty: 0,
PoSeRevivedHeight: 1027671,
PoSeBanHeight: -1,
revocationReason: 0,
ownerAddress: "yWrbg8HNwkogZfqKe1VW8czS9KiqdjvJtE",
votingAddress: "yWrbg8HNwkogZfqKe1VW8czS9KiqdjvJtE",
platformNodeID: "b5f25f8f70cf8d05c2d2970bdf186c994431d84e",
platformP2PPort: 36656,
platformHTTPPort: 1443,
payoutAddress: "yeRZBWYfeNE4yVUHV4ZLs83Ppn9aMRH57A",
pubKeyOperator: "b928fa4e127214ccb2b5de1660b5e371d2f3c9845077bc3900fc6aabe82ddd2e61530be3765cea15752e30fc761ab730"
Return a series data for the amount of proposed blocks by validator chart with variable timespan (1h, 24h, 3d, 1w)
GET /validator/F60A6BF9EC0794BB0CFD1E0F2217933F4B33EDE6FE810692BC275CA18148AEF0/stats?timespan=24h
timestamp: "2024-06-23T13:51:44.154Z",
data: {
blocksCount: 2
Get a transaction (state transition) by hash
Status can be either SUCCESS
. In case of error tx, message will appear in the error
field as Base64 string
blockHeight: 1337,
data: "{}",
index: 0,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
type: 0,
gasUsed: 1337000,
status: "SUCCESS",
error: null
Response codes:
200: OK
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
Return transaction set paged
Status can be either SUCCESS
. In case of error tx, message will appear in the error
field as Base64 string
cannot be more then 100GET /transactions?=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
blockHeight: 1337,
data: "{}",
index: 0,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
type: 0,
gasUsed: 1337000,
status: "SUCCESS",
error: null
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return data contract by given identifier
field is nullableGET /dataContract/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
name: "DPNS",
owner: "4EfA9Jrvv3nnCFdSf7fad59851iiTRZ6Wcu6YVJ4iSeF",
schema: "{}",
version: 0,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
isSystem: false,
documentsCount: 1337
Response codes:
200: OK
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
Return dataContracts set paged and order by block height or documents count.
values are block_height
or documents_count
field is nullablelimit
cannot be more then 100GET /dataContracts?page=1&limit=10&order=asc&order_by=block_height
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
name: "DPNS",
owner: "4EfA9Jrvv3nnCFdSf7fad59851iiTRZ6Wcu6YVJ4iSeF",
schema: "{}",
version: 0,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
isSystem: false,
documentsCount: 1337
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return last revision of the document by given identifier
GET /dataContract/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
dataContractIdentifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 0,
deleted: false
data: "{}",
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
isSystem: false
Response codes:
200: OK
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
Return all documents by the given data contract identifier
cannot be more then 100GET /dataContract/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec/documents?page=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
dataContractIdentifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 0,
deleted: false
data: "{}",
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
isSystem: false
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return identity by given identifier
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 1,
balance: 1000000,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
totalTxs: 1,
totalTransfers: 0,
totalDocuments: 0,
totalDataContracts: 0,
isSystem: false
Response codes:
200: OK
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
Return identity by given DPNS/alias
GET /dpns/identity?dpns=test-name.1.dash
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 1,
balance: 1000000,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
totalTxs: 1,
totalTransfers: 0,
totalDocuments: 0,
totalDataContracts: 0,
isSystem: false
Response codes:
200: OK
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
Return all identities paged and order by block height, tx count or balance.
values are block_height
, tx_count
or balance
cannot be more then 100GET /identities?page=1&limit=10&order=asc&order_by=block_height
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 1,
balance: 1000000,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
totalTxs: 1,
totalTransfers: 0,
totalDocuments: 0,
totalDataContracts: 0,
isSystem: false
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return all data contracts by the given identity
field is nullablelimit
cannot be more then 100GET /identities/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec/dataContracts?page=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
name: "DPNS",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
version: 0,
schema: null,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
isSystem: false
documentsCount: 1337
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return all documents by the given identity
cannot be more then 100GET /identities/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec/documents?page=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
identifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
owner: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
dataContractIdentifier: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
revision: 0,
deleted: false,
data: null,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
isSystem: false
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return all transactions made by the given identity
Status can be either SUCCESS
. In case of error tx, message will appear in the error
field as Base64 string
cannot be more then 100GET /identities/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec/transactions?page=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
index: 0,
blockHeight: 1337,
type: 0,
data: null,
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
gasUsed: 1337000,
status: "SUCCESS",
error: null
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return all transfers made by the given identity
cannot be more then 100GET /identities/GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec/transfers?page=1&limit=10&order=asc
pagination: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 10
resultSet: [
amount: 100000,
sender: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
recipient: "GWRSAVFMjXx8HpQFaNJMqBV7MBgMK4br5UESsB4S31Ec",
timestamp: "2024-03-18T10:13:54.150Z",
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
500: Internal Server Error
Return a series data for the amount of transactions chart with variable timespan (1h, 24h, 3d, 1w)
GET /transactions/history?timespan=1h
timestamp: "2024-04-22T08:45:20.911Z",
data: {
txs: 5
blockHeight: 2,
timestamp: "2024-04-22T08:50:20.911Z",
data: {
txs: 13,
blockHeight: 7,
}, ...
Response codes:
200: OK
400: Invalid input, check timespan value
500: Internal Server Error